Since 2010, our Up Your Watershed! tour has been making many stops up the Fraser and Skeena watersheds. Twice up the Fraser Watershed and now our 4th time up the Skeena Watershed. The concerts celebrate the conservation of our watersheds.
In past tours, communities took part in recycling drives... from collecting old electronic toys, medications, beverage containers, batteries and tires. Links were made to how recycling old materials can be beneficial to the health of our watersheds. In Lillooet (pictured above) Up Your Watershed! was part of the annual Walking With the Smolts celebration.
Go to the EVENTS page for a list of the stops for 2020!
In the Skeena communities we partner with the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, an amazing organization that works very hard to protect and educate about their beautiful watershed.
In the Fraser, partnerships were made with conservation groups throughout the watershed, who showcased their work to everyone involved. Please see the final report (below) for all the details.

Skeena Up Your Watershed Tour 2019

Families in Prince George collected over 1800 tires at their round-up hosted by London Drugs in their parking lot

The Lower Seton River spawning channels in Lilooet