Voices Of Nature performances work really well at conferences, because the content of the songs, and impact of having children sing them, touches the heart and reminds people why they are doing good works: for future generations.
Voices of Nature went to Kansas!
The Kansas Association of Community Foundations (KACF) invited Holly and Kevin to create a special presentation for their Conference in November 2011. KACF brought in Arts Partners Wichita, an organization that enhances children's learning by integrating the arts into K-12 curriculum. Arts Partners invited Earhart Environmental Magnet School to participate; the teachers gave their essential support. Arts Partners artist/educator Aaron Fowler worked with Tim Workman and the students to write new lyrics for Holly and Kevin's song, Creatures of Habitat, that are specific to Kansas watersheds and organisms. The song was presented, along with others, at the conference.

Former Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd shakes hands with a Voices of Nature singer... he's counting on her!
March 5-7, 2018
IPCC “Cities & Climate Change Conference”
Edmonton, AB (To be confirmed)
April 2017
Child and Nature Conference
Vancouver Aquarium
Vancouver, BC
September 18, 2013
Conference on Canadian Stewardship
Hilton Downtown
Toronto, ON
June 29, 2013
Canadian Network for Environmental
Education Communication
EECOM Conference Awards Dinner and Social
The Wilds – David Lam Auditorium
University of Victoria – 6pm – 10pm
View the whole schedule
Victoria, BC
Apr. 27, 2013
Holly Arntzen – Kevin Wright
Making Tomorrow Conference
for Childhood Development
Performance and I Am the Future Workshop
UVIC Student Union Building
Victoria, BC
Oct. 20, 2012
Holly Arntzen & Kevin Wright
Open the Door to Possibilities Conference
1:30pm just before Keynote, Ken Finch
Royal Roads University
Victoria, BC
May 23, 2012
Holly Arntzen and Kevin Wright
& singers from Brackendale School
38th Annual RCBC Zero Waste Conference
Opening ceremonies at 1:30pm
Westin Resort and Spa
Whistler, BC
Wed. May 16, 2012
Holly Arntzen, Kevin Wright & the Wilds
Creative Alberta Conference
Winspear Centre – 1:15pm
Edmonton, AB
November 21, 2011
British Columbia Non Profit
Housing Association Conference
Sheraton Airport Hotel
Richmond, BC
November 15/16, 2011
Kansas Association of Community
Foundations Conference
Marriott Hotel
Wichita, Kansas
May 15 , 2011
International Marine Conservation Conference
Victoria Conference Centre
Workshop and performance
Victoria, BC
May 13, 2011
Community Foundations of Canada Conference
Sheraton Wall Centre Grand Ballroom
Lunchtime plenary performance with singers from Confederation Park School
Vancouver, BC
May 5 , 2011
Get Back Out Environmental Youth Conference
Seaview School
Port Alice, BC
Oct 12 , 2010
United Community Services Co-op AGM
Museum of Vancouver
Vancouver, BC
Sept 28 , 2010
The Nature Trust of BC Gala
Hotel Vancouver
Vancouver, BC
July 6 , 2010
International Congress for Conservation Biology
Shaw Conference Centre
Edmonton, AB
June 17, 2009
Voices of Nature
(in conjunction with ICLEI World Congress 2009)
Shoctor Theatre w/ The Dream Band
Edmonton, AB
June 16, City Hall, ICLEI reception
Building Sustainable Communities Conference
Kelowna, BC
United Nations Conference on the Environment
University of Victoria
Victoria, BC
Building Sustainable Communities Conference
Kelowna, BC 2007/09
We were performing for 400 decision-makers from communities and government agencies: mayors, councilors, civil servants, politicians, business people all addressing how to do things more sustainably. We had a small choir of 30 children from a local school. No one knew what to expect; they gave us a standing ovation after our first song. They gave us a second ovation at the end. The organizer, Joanne Devries addressed the delegates and said, "When you see a 10-year old child singing with such conviction, you can't help but be moved." Turning to the singers, she said, "I want you to go out into the audience, go up to people, shake their hand, look them in the eye, and say, We're counting on You. " This inspired our sustainability anthem, "I Am The Future".

Former BC Environment Minister, Barry Penner joins the band and the Voices of Nature on stage at the Conference on Canadian Stewardship

Building Sustainable Communities Conference, Kelowna 2007