About ART

The Artist Response Team (ART, est. 1991) is an independent, Vancouver-based production house specializing in music and entertainment that educates about ecology. ART is headed up by singer/songwriter/producers Holly Arntzen and Kevin Wright and their band, the Wilds, who have written a library of eco-rock songs. ART blazes new trails with its Voices of Nature School Music Programs and Community Concerts; a steady stream of projects happen annually throughout Canada and beyond. Their 8th annual Edmonton project in 2015 saw over 2000 students pack the Jubilee Auditorium and was filmed as a TV special on water conservation, Water For Life, which aired on CTV2 in Alberta and PBS out of Spokane.
Holly Arntzen
They work with thousands of youth every year, producing spring tours in the Skeena and Fraser River watersheds called Up Your Watershed! and Rock the Salish Sea tours to coastal communities. ART’s award-winning music-based educators’ handbooks provide curriculum-linked activities connected to song lyrics, and help teachers bring music into the classroom for environmental education. Voices Of Nature projects put musicians and youth in a leadership role; the Wilds and 400 students singing and speaking out for nature, to standing ovations from audiences, exemplifies the excellence ART brings to community.

Kevin Wright

Arntzen and Wright are the heart of ART. They head up a nimble Team of musicians, educators, artists, scientists and writers who collaboratively produce ART’s many programs, projects, products and resources.
ART is the hub for a series of interconnected components:
Music Library – a continually growing collection of songs with environmental themes;
Voices of Nature School Music Programs – students learn eco-songs that support cross-curricular learning;
Learning Resources – award-winning Educators’ Handbooks, Training Workshops and Videos help any teacher to use music in the classroom for sustainability education;
Concerts – musicians and students perform for families,
friends and community.